Outsourced Cash Flow Management Services

Don’t struggle. Keep a high cash buffer and maintain your financial health.

Approximately 50% of small businesses in the US have cash reserves for around 15 days, which is a poor indicator of their financial health. Empower yourself to meet your financial obligation by availing of our top-notch cash management services. 

Our cash flow management services include:

Daily Cash Management

Don’t worry about accounting errors while managing your cash flow. Our experts will provide a detailed report to help you adjust your short-term goals.

Cash Flow Budgeting

Verify the expenses in a seamless manner for a specific time period. We use the approximation method and share our findings to help you budget accurately for your needs.

Cash Flow Forecasting and Planning

Know the actual financial health of your business that will help you plan better with an almost 95% accurate forecast.

Bank Statements Reconciliation

Fix the leakages. Compare your account balance and match it with your balance sheet to ensure your financial records are immaculate.

A Big-picture Strategy

Address the major financial challenges while focusing on your goals.

Enhanced Revenue Opportunities

Find more opportunities to improve your revenue and increase your cash flow.

Actionable Insights

Transaction enrichment and better tools for cash flow management provide actionable insights from the financial data.

Why opt for LBC’s cash flow management services?